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The reason why we chose this bedroom was because it seemed the most appropriate relating to our character, this worked because it wasn't your normal bedroom, it was quite gritty. The crushed pills were to show that she has been skipping her medication, the reasoning behind this was to give background on why the main character is seeing this man and from the way the medication has been placed, it shows that this is a recurring thing which is making her have these hallucinations. We chose the streets in Croydon because they were very sketchy and its not a place where people usually walk on a daily basis because most of the shops are closed and there are graffiti arts everywhere and it fit well with everything else. For the costumes, we chose to put the mysterious character in a long black trench coat with a black hat because when we researched it, in the western times, a black hat meant evil and a white hat meant purity. For the girl we choose quite a simple outfit, we chose a blue jeans, a beige top, a black jacket and black shoes because we wanted to portray the character a someone who doesn't really care about appearances.



the non diegetic sound  we used was the drone because it is most commonly used to create the atmosphere, the Diegetic sound we used was the heartbeat flatline and beat to show the panic in our character and how she's feeling uneasy, the footsteps were used to make it sound more realistic. The swooshing sound that was used at the start was used just to make a bigger impact.Overall I think this had a big influence on the audience because it made the whole title sequence more believable.



We used a variety of camera shots  to show different things, for example, the over shoulder shot when the mysterious character was watching the other character it really gave an insight into the mind of the mysterious character and that was really effective. We thought the shots that we used showed the characters and the background really well for example, at the start the layering of the different shots showed that our character was a restless sleeper

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